Top 10 cities where sex is easily available.

Top 10 cities where sex is easily available.

There was a time when talking about sex openly was a taboo. But with growing awareness and knowledge, people are beginning to treat sex like any other necessity. Gone is the time when sex was considered to be pure and an expression of love, sex today is a way to vent out your frustration and have some fun. No wonder people go on tours to foreign countries where they can have casual sex under the label of relaxation and fun.

Let’s look at the top 10 cities where sex is easily available to all

10. Berlin, Germany

The best part about prostitution in Germany is that it is legal and hence there is no hiding involved in it. There are taxes paid on it and the money used for the betterment of the society (sounds like such an irony). Punters pay 79 euros to enter while the girls also have to pay a price so that they can render their services.

P.I. Staff Writer